September 2023 Update

Charles Manning

Happy September!

As many of you know, juggling a full-time job with running EarthRoast Coffee has made the past month an exciting whirlwind. As I navigated the end-of-year rush for Fiscal Year 2023, I had to put EarthRoast Coffee on temporary cruise control. I can't thank you enough for your patience and understanding during this hectic time. The challenges of operating a new small business are numerous, but the joy it brings makes every moment worth it!

Even while on cruise control, my passion for sustainability and ethical practices didn't slow down. I'm thrilled to announce some exciting changes to how EarthRoast Coffee gives back, as well as an update on our ongoing "1 Bag, 1 Tree" initiative.

Firstly, I'm thrilled to share that we've already planted 33 trees towards our end-of-year goal of 100! If we reach this milestone ahead of schedule, we'll gladly set a new, loftier objective.

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At EarthRoast Coffee, our mission has always been to make a positive impact on the planet through specialty coffee. We've listened to your invaluable feedback and have decided to ramp up our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

Effective immediately, our "1 Bag, 1 Tree" policy is extending across our entire range of coffees. Whether you're a fan of our classic blends or seasonal favorites, each bag you purchase will result in a tree being planted to combat climate change. This initiative reflects our dedication to mitigating the environmental impact of coffee production.

Additionally, we're updating the donation structure for our Special Edition Coffees. These unique blends have always been close to our hearts, benefiting various organizations focused on the conservation of local and national parks and wildlife. For every bag sold, we're increasing our donation to $0.75, alongside planting a tree on your behalf.

And here's the cherry on top: these changes allow us to make our coffee more affordable for you without compromising our commitment to quality and sustainability. We believe that ethical choices shouldn't break the bank, and we're thrilled to pass these savings on to our cherished customers.

These changes will go into effect immediately! Now, back to my afternoon decaf. 

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